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350 votes
Supporters of the New Atlantis Comic Collective will be able to unlock the newest issue in a series as well as the merchandise attached to its release through the accumulation of votes that come as a reward with each purchase.
As a Community, the total amount of votes accumulated by anyone that has ever purchased anything from New Atlantis are kept track of and displayed in a meter on our website that shows how close the community is to unlocking our next issue in a series.
As an Individual, votes allow you to provide your personal input by casting your ballots on burning questions that we care about knowing from our most dedicated audience members. We also use votes to create special events and materials unique to each collector. Each answer you give costs one of your votes, and eventually the weight of your votes will determine such outcomes, as the type of merchandise we design for our series, and even which artists and writers that we form our contracts with to assist us in completing future issues.
As a Company, votes help us pay our artists and writers to work on things that have not yet been released as well as save up money to film or animate these projects in the future.
Votes help us ask local and small businesses that want to advertise with us to match the exact same price that our audience has paid to see the next issue of the series and their advertisement that will be included in the issue.
The amount of votes on the meter will have a set numerical value goal for unlocking an issue. The amount of votes required to unlock each issue will increase.
Our supporters are about to give us 500 votes
towards our next issue
Will you match these fans and buy an
ad in our next issue?
The New Atlantis Comic Collective will approach different local and small businesses to buy the ad space in each of our comic book series issues to convince them to match the amount of the votes unlocked in that issue on the meter in exchange for our company’s involvement in helping to promote their business through our ad spaces in each issue.
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